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The Thing: Avamposto Norvegese

34,89 €

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Codice Prodotto (UPC) PENPG065
Tipologia prodotto Gioco da Tavolo
Marca Pendragon
Autore Andrea Crespi
Durata Media 75
Età 14+
Lingua Italiano
Massimo Giocatori 8
Minimo Giocatori 1
EAN 8058697270734
Numero di recensioni 0

Descrizione prodotto

The Thing: Avamposto Norvegese è un'espansione per il Gioco da Tavolo The Thing completamente in Italiano.

L’avamposto norvegese è sotto attacco, siete pronti ad affrontare la minaccia aliena?

The Thing - Avamposto Norvegese è un’espansione per 4-8 giocatori che vi catapulta all’interno degli eventi del prequel cinematografico dell’acclamato The Thing. Avamposto Norvegese espande l’esperienza di The Thing - Il Gioco da Tavolo con una serie di nuove meccaniche, in grado di trasmettere ai giocatori ancora più tensioni e opportunità strategiche. Grazie ad una nuova tipologia di Test e alla presenza della fuga in solitaria dall’avamposto, le strategie per affrontare la minaccia aliena sono ancora più decisive. Inoltre, grazie alla presenza dell’iconico UFO, l’alieno avrà a disposizione un nuovo e potente strumento per mettere gli umani in difficoltà!

Descrizione BGG:

This expansion for The Thing - The Boardgame allows you to experience the events that happened at Thule Station, the Norwegian station where it all began! As for the 1982 version, the expansion lets you relive the tensest moments from the story, transporting you into the cinematic film!

The core element of the game is based on the emulation properties of the Thing, which will hide its identity under a blanket of fake humanity, but with substantial differences in the way they interact with the game and with your feelings.

Here are the key points of the expansion:

  • A new board, new characters, and new materials.
  • A new end game condition represented by the escape of the dog that will arrive at Outpost 31. IF this happens, you can play your next game of the 1982 version with a pack leader dog (a dog that behaves differently throughout the game).
  • A new element in the game: teeth! The Thule Station crew discovers that the Alien cannot assimilate and duplicate metal parts, so dental fillings become a way to find out if a person is definitely human, but not if they are alien. The test with the wire and the flamethrower disappears and flashlights are added with which it will be possible to carry out a test and look at the teeth of the other characters, checking for the presence or lack of fillings.
  • A new location is available for the Thing: The UFO! It represents the last hope of escape for the Thing, as in the movie. The final confrontation with any remaining humans will take place here. Of course, this is only an option, and just like the dog escape mentioned above, it doesn't necessarily happen! Everything will depend on your behavior, as you can win or lose in many ways!

In the 2011 film, as soon as they found out what's going on, people's behavior becomes more selfish, trying by all means to save their own lives. We therefore decided to try to include the possibility of a solitary escape, an element that will bring the level of distrust to the maximum! This also brings new mechanics, such as the ability to voluntarily sabotage vehicles even if you are human.

The expansion will contain: a new board, new characters, new cards and new tokens.



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